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Motherwort & Hawthorne Heart Tincture w/ Rosehips!
Motherwort & Hawthorne Heart Tincture w/ Rosehips!

Motherwort and Hawthorne are a complimentary duo, both having affinities to the heart, in addition to their own unique properties and actions. 



  • fresh & dried motherwort leaves, stems & flowers (Leonurus cardiaca) 
  • fresh & dried hawthorne berries (Crataegus monogyna)
  • 63% Jamaican Rum


Size: 2 Ounce

About 100 doses in the bottle (1 dropper full=1 dose). Lasts about a month taken 3 times daily or 3 months taken once daily. Customize as needed.


not rated $28.88
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Shepherd’s Purse & Yarrow Tincture
Shepherd’s Purse & Yarrow Tincture

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) known to be a hemostatic (stops bleeding) and an antiseptic for both external and internal wounds and bleeding (including excessive menstrual flow).

Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) is a very powerful styptic and one that I use regularly for women who suffer from flooding during their periods. As a postpartum herb, it can be useful for postpartum hemorrhage.

-All herbal extracts are macerated for at least one moon cycle for potency.

Benefits of tinctures: Tinctures can be taken quickly. Just a half teaspoon gives you a ton of the concentrated benefits of whatever herb you’re using. Alcoholic extractions have a long shelf life and a dosage contains very little alcohol for those concerned. You may add tincture dosage to warm water or tea or take direcyly under the tongue.

**If pregnant or nursing, please consult a professional and use with care.

not rated $12.12
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